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Bedel checkpoint opening strengthens ties with China: Kyrgyz president

BISHKEK, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov said on Tuesday that Kyrgyzstan is committed to developing mutually beneficial ties with China, marked by the opening of the new Bedel checkpoint on the China-Kyrgyzstan border.
Japarov highlighted the event as a historic milestone in strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era with China.
“Kyrgyzstan strives to develop together with China, to create strong and mutually beneficial ties that contribute not only to economic growth but also to the revival of the great Silk Road, which has connected our peoples since ancient times,” he added.
The agreement to open the Bedel checkpoint was reached last May during Japarov’s state visit to China.
This new checkpoint, the third on the China-Kyrgyzstan border, is located in Uqturpan County in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and is expected to enhance trade between the two countries and alleviate pressure on existing border crossings. ■
